Everisk services are the most competitive in the industry
Everisk benefits of the industry
Everisk’s experienced staff handles professional liability and management liability for a wide range of industries. We place millions annually in premium. Everisk places all types of professional liability including but not limited to:
- Commercial Auto (FL Only at the present time)
- Motor Truck Cargo / Physical Damage
- Workers Compensation (FL, TX, CA)
- Business Owners Policy (BOP) (FL, TX, CA)
- Professional Liability (FL, TX, CA)
- Employment Practices Liability (EPLI) (FL, TX, CA)
- General Liability for a broad spectrum of classes (FL only)
Non-Profit Insurance Package (includes GL, WC, Comm Auto, D & O etc…) (FL only)
In all placements, our brokers are there to be an extension of your firm with technical sales support from the beginning to the end of the placement. We provide coverage comparisons and technical expertise with the willingness to talk with you and your client in support of completing the placement with excellent results.