954.860.8770 info@everiskpro.com

Javier Naranjo, President & Chief Executive Officer

Javier Naranjo brings over 18 years of experience in insurance business development, underwriting, sales and leadership expertise to his role as CEO and President of Everisk Insurance Programs Inc. Prior to his insurance career, Javier led pilot programs in the healthcare industry both as a clinician and administrator. An operational systems expert, he has created work-flow models that synthesize technology, efficiency and program profitability. He is very passionate about sharing ideas and creating an active network with industry leaders. Javier served as the 43rd President for the Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies (LAAIA) currently holding the title of Immediate Past President and Expansion Committee Chairperson. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Statistics and Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Rutgers University. Additionally, he holds both a general lines and surplus lines license.

About Everisk

Everisk is a global leader in risk management and insurance broking. Our performance and passion for client service, and exceptionally talented people have delivered superior client acquisition, margins, revenues and share price growth.

Our global culture and focus on adding value through enhanced customer service, results orientation, ethics and integrity, and competitive market orientation differentiate us from our competitors.

Everisk is a great place to work for those who like to achieve. Wherever you are in the world, you will find consistently high quality colleagues working together in an open, friendly and team oriented environment.

In return for our people’s expertise and commitment, we provide an atmosphere that treats them with fairness and respect and that stretches their abilities and channels their talents.

We Are Everisk

A national leader in insurance broking and program management. Everisk specialists help organizations anticipate, quantify, protect against — and recover from — the ‘what ifs’ in life.

In a world full of uncertainty and complexity, we help our clients thrive and survive.

Everisk provides insurance broking and insurance program management services to agents and brokers in niche markets throughout the United States. Our team approach draws on industry and risk specialties within Everisk to customize solutions for each client.


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